The Green Collaboration Award


Visit our 'How to Enter' page for our Items Checklist & Step-by-Step Guide. CLICK HERE.

Once you have created your PDF submission and you have all items in the Items Checklist, submit your entry via the Online Entry Form. CLICK HERE.

This award recognises an outstanding strategic collaboration between a Green Service Provider and their client that can demonstrate tangible evidence of environmental benefit over the past 12 months. Submissions can be put forward by any of the involved parties; Client or service provider.

Entry is by a 5-page A4 PDF submission; the judges will be looking for clear information backed up by facts that pays particular attention to the criteria listed below.

  • Partnership background: Provide a brief background on the client and green service provider involved, the nature of the partnership, the responsibilities undertaken by each partner, and the services provided.
  • Execution & Challenges: Describe how the brief was fulfilled and how collaboration was successfully embedded into the execution of the brief. Please also include any challenges faced and how the collaborators worked together to overcome them.
  • Innovation: Please include details of any unique efforts or processes that were employed, and the degree of innovation demonstrated specifically by the collaborative work.
  • Outcomes & Results: Summarise the outcomes of the green collaboration, detailing tangible benefits to both partners and the environment. Please include facts and figures to back this up, including any downward trends in annual figures where possible.
  • Excellence in Sustainability: How did the service provider promote excellence in sustainability to the client at the strategic level? Describe how they reached beyond what was expected to achieve sustainability goals. Please include a client testimonial in support of your answer.

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